Valley Health Home

Health Care


health care

We understand that the journey to recovery after an injury, surgery, or illness is unique for each individual. Our Rehabilitation Health Care Services are designed to provide you with the highest quality care, personalized treatment plans, and dedicated support throughout your rehabilitation journey.

Home Care

We understand that the journey to recovery after an injury, surgery, or medical event can be challenging. That’s why we offer specialized Home Care Rehabilitation Services that bring the expertise of rehabilitation right to your doorstep.

Aged Care

We understand that the journey to recovery requires continuous dedication, support, and personalized care. Our Day Care Rehabilitation Services are designed to provide a comprehensive and flexible approach to rehabilitation, helping individuals regain their independence, mobility, and confidence.

Day Care

We understand that the journey to recovery requires continuous dedication, support, and personalized care. Our Day Care Rehabilitation Services are designed to provide a comprehensive and flexible approach to rehabilitation, helping individuals regain their independence, mobility, and confidence.

A health home is a care coordination program designed to provide comprehensive and integrated healthcare services to individuals with complex medical needs. It aims to improve health outcomes and reduce healthcare costs by coordinating care across multiple providers and settings.

Health homes offer a range of services, including care coordination, chronic disease management, medication management, behavioral health support, and social services.

Eligibility criteria for health home services vary by state and may include individuals with chronic illnesses, mental health conditions, substance use disorders, or multiple healthcare needs. Some programs also serve children with special healthcare needs.